Friday, September 14, 2018

I'm (thinking about) coming back

Hello everyone!  The anniversary of my three year hiatus from this blog is coming up, and I'm thinking of bringing it back.   I've been retired six months now, and have been busy on lots of projects.  Does anyone read blogs anymore?  LOL We'll see. 

Here I am with the latest edition to my family, my niece, Kate's, baby Henry.  What a cutie pie! 


Jane Eborall said...

I read blogs. I don’t like Facebook so keep away from it as much as I can. I use my blog as a way of keeping track of myself and storing photos too. Welcome back.

Susan In Texas said...

Thanks for your feedback! I really appreciate it!

Elle said...

YES! Blog "surfer" here. I probably hit 20 a day.

I don't have one. I find new blogs by hitting the blog roles and checking those out. It's how I found you for the first time ever.

If you were a busy blogger before, I think you'll find the traffic heavy!

Congrats on retirement AND the new Grand :-)

Susan In Texas said...

Good to know! I admit I used to be a little disappointed by my low traffic. I felt like I was talking to myself. Lol thanks for your feedback.

swooze said...

Glad to see you back. Hoped all was well and emailed but never heard back. Still decluttering?

Susan In Texas said...

Hi Swooze, lol yes. Must have missed your email. Grandma passed two years ago and we sold the house in Shreveport, so the decluttering went backwards as we tried to store the best of their stuff at our house. The closets are clean but the garage is still a disaster!

Helen McNaught @ AuntyHennys said...

My Blog is sorely neglected but I struggle on.............sometimes months go by before I do a Post but I still get comments and like others have mentioned, it's a great tool to keep track of projects I've made. I like Facebook too and link my Blog over to FB when I do a new Post. I stopped keeping up with other Blogs when the reader page changed but I'm now back on checking the reading list every week! Welcome back!

Susan In Texas said...

Thanks! It's good to know there are still people blogging and reading blogs.

Unknown said...

Hi Susan, so glad to see you back. I haven't added to my block for quite awhile either, but I check in and read others. I'm also thinking of rebirthing my blog. Hugs, Terry Monnett P.S. I still have the beautiful wall quilt in my craft room from our Dear Jane 2009 Secret Pal times.

Susan In Texas said...

Nice to hear from you Terry! I'm glad you like the wall hanging. Had that really been almost 10 years? Unbelievable! said...

well gosh, this is me practically. I haven't been blogging either, and just decided that I would get back to it. I had run out of words and since my life is a new adventure. I am coming back also. I miss your other header...those texas blue bells.

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