Saturday, December 26, 2009

Merry Christmas from Great Big Giant Santa!

It's a bird! It's a plane! No! It's GREAT BIG GIANT SANTA!!!! My buddy, Joe P, got all excited on the phone at work in early December. His daughter had located a GBGS and wanted to know if she should buy it. Joe told me how they used to have a GBGS, but it wore out and they could never find a 12 foot replacement, only a dinky little 6 footer instead. Needlesss to say, she got the green light, and GBGS was on the move. Joe promised me that it could be seen from down the block. lol I wanted to try some night photography with my new camera, so here he is, in all his Christmas glory... Great Big Giant Santa!

Along with (apparently) Dumbo, his Christmas sidekick.


Anonymous said...

Welcome back to the blogosphere! haha j/k I love the huge Santa! The neighbor that used to live across the street had a huge 12+ foot Frankenstein that she put out at halloween. i'm still amazed they make inflatables that big! Hope you had a super Christmas and enjoy your break!

Annelies said...

Wow that is really a big one !!