Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The 80's will never die

I visited my Mom at her new house over Thanksgiving.  I had the choice of either helping cook the big feast or re-purposing the old master bedroom drapes in the new guest room.  I chose the drapes.  I spent several hours shoehorning big valences into much smaller windows.  It was the most rigged-up piece of work I've done in years, but Mom really liked the final result.  She really wanted to reuse those old curtains!  I took home a leftover valence and spent a few more hours on some accent pillows.  Turquoise, peach and mauve.  The 80's will never die.
Now I just have to get them to Green Bay.  The box squirrel that is my husband has made several valiant, though failed, attempts to get the mailing box size right.  I just need to be patient.  Oh yeah, Mom, don't look, these are for you and they're supposed to be a surprise.  8)


Rosa Robichaud said...

With Disco Music playing in the background....


I LOVED the 80's!!!!

Okay, perhaps not so much as the colors in that cushion, but I LOVED that time era, for music.

They haven't been able to beat the 60's, 70's and 80's for music. And Rap is just not music to me and my ears...

80's girl..

Roseanne said...

You are a lovely girl to you mum she will love her cushion.