Sunday, May 17, 2015

Six on Sunday - Week 2

We are still harvesting stuff from our master closets.  I was surprised that my clothes weighed more than Larry's "stuff".  I read an article on the Japanese method of closet cleaning.  You are supposed to look at everything in your home and ask yourself if it "sparks joy" in you, if not, thank it, and let it go.  I think I will try that method after all the obvious clutter has been removed.

Lunch bag, Sweater, Tote Bag, Backpack, Flashlight, Aqua-Shoes - 4.75 pounds
I really should thank those shorts.  They were my favorite shorts; sparking joy for years, finally giving up the good fight with the material splitting down the front of one leg. Thank you, favorite shorts! Bye bye.

Shorts and 5 tops/sweaters - 6 pounds


Jeanne said...

I just read the Japanese method, also. It does make sense. I so need to declutter my closets and house. Keep up the good work.

margaret said...

I too am a bit of a hoarder but have been trying to de clutter, loads of dressmaking fabric which I will never use and have found a home for that that raises money for a hospice. also getting rid of lots of books but no doubt the spaces left will soon be full of other clutter!